But things didn't turn out as planned.
Apparently, God has other things in mind. I guess.
I was already given the clearance by my Endocrinologist for my surgery. I was given a list of laboratory tests to complete just to make sure that things will go smoothly when I get operated on. When I went back to my obgyn's clinic to give to her my clearance, she suddenly asked, "When was your last menstruation?" "It was on June 23 doc", I answered immediately. I also added that I have not menstruated yet for the month of July and asked if we'll still pursue with the operation. She stopped typing on her computer, looked me in the eye and asked if I was expecting to menstruate this week, I told her yes. She asked again if I get regular monthly periods and I answered yes I do menstruate monthly, although my cycle is longer than normal cycles. Then, without batting an eyelash, she told me, "Let's reschedule your operation next week, August 3."
Although I felt relieved that my operation is postponed, I was really concerned of my husband's reaction to this sudden delay. My husband has already filed a leave of absence from his work for 5 days.
While I was imagining what my husband's reaction would be like, my obgyn began explaining to me why we have to reschedule. She told me that I could be pregnant now and she didn't want to risk it. She explained that if I am pregnant and we continue with the operation, she might scrape the "fetus" instead of scraping the tumor. She said that the fetus at this stage will look like a tumor. I might experience an early abortion if we'll push through with the operation. It is safe to wait for a week just to make sure that I am not pregnant. And if I am pregnant, the operation will be delayed for four months because we have to wait for the baby to have a strong hold in my uterus.

Did I just make a detour?
I was suppose to be heading for surgery and now I'm being held back because I might be pregnant?
Pregnant! That was suppose to be my goal after the surgery, not towards surgery. Could I really be pregnant? After all, when I had my Transvaginal Sonogram, the obgyn saw an egg in my right ovary. Could my husband and I possibly procreated on that egg?
And the answer to all that would have to wait til I menstruate this week or on Sunday, when I have to take a pregnancy test to make sure that I am pregnant.
This is an unexpected turn in my journey. Did God purposely planned this to happen? Did God answered my "baby prayers" instead of my "successful and safe operation prayers"? I could never know, but one thing I am sure of, God is in control. We'll never know, this delay could be God's blessing to me.