Monday, September 13, 2010

The Surgery - Part One

The night before, I was already briefed by the nurse on duty that she will wake me early, at around 4am. I can take a bath then, brush my teeth and dress myself in the O.R. gown they have prepared for me. (There was one thing that I forgot to mention in yesterday's post, how painful it was for me to wipe off my 3-day old pedicure which I got in the first place because I want to have clean beautifully painted toenails when I get operated on. Heck, I didn't know that manicures, pedicures, make-up and jewelries are prohibited in the Operating Room. I saw my husband's face as I wipe off my super red pedicure, I think he was thinking, "there goes my 100 bucks...")

Anyway, at exactly 4 am, the nurse woke me up. I immediately went to the bathroom, took a bath, brushed my teeth and clothed myself with the OR gown. I was excited and nervous at the same time. Then the nurse came in again and told me that they will now insert an IV or intravenous on my left hand.

Then my heart starts thumping. Way too loudly this time. No more excitement. I am plain nervous, scared and very very scared. "Oh God, why am I here?" In my mind, I was praying, praying like the way I prayed whenever I go on a plane and just when its about to take off, my litany of all the saints in heaven have already taken off as well.

When the IV nurse started inspecting my hand, with my faked courage, I pointed to her where I usually have my IVs inserted. She informed me that she cannot insert the IV on that same spot because the vein is too small, she needs a bigger vein for my IV. She turned my hand on the side, I grew more scared, I know how painful it will be if she will insert the IV on that side plus it will be uncomfortable to move as well. Good thing that she has found another vein just below my usual spot for IV. As she inserted the IV, I guess she pushed the needle too hard because it was very painful, far painful from my other IV experiences.

Just the beginning.

The Day Before The Sugery

Hello friends!

It's been a while. A long long while.

My husband has been trying to get me to write again but to no avail. It's been what, a month and a half since my surgery and though I no longer felt pain, I was kind of on a writer's block. Something that I just can't shake it off me nor drinking a pill will dissolve it either. I have tried and tried to write something, but it just doesn't sound right. I felt like I was loosing my edge. Hah! As if I am really a pro writer.

But anyway, here I am again, attempting to write again and hopefully I will be able to finish this without hitting the delete button again.

Ok, so where am I now? (Oops, I think I can feel the effects of the anesthesia - - - forgetfulness)

Just kidding.

Oh yeah, my surgery. I will try to give you a day-by-day detail of what I went through while I was confined at the hospital.

Monday, August 2, 2010

My husband and I, all packed up and ready to go, just had to stop by at the grocery to shop for his food. We both know how boring staying in the hospital can be, so we both think that food (eating) can somehow ease the boredom a bit. Just a side story, weeks before my surgery, I sent all my friends a message on Facebook informing them of my impending operation and if ever they will have time to visit me, I just want them to bring some food for my beloved hubby. Not for me but for the man I love who happens to love food as much. (He's going to get mad at me for writing this.)

After we did our grocery shopping, we went straight to the hospital. Armed with my doctor's admission order, I went directly to the "Direct to Room" admission office, had my papers checked, my vital signs checked and then in little over half an hour, I was on my way to my private room. God it felt like we were just checking in to a hotel room for vacation. I was really comfortable. No IV, no medicines, no medical technologist to get my blood, no nurses to get my vital signs like body temperature, blood pressure. I didn't felt like a patient at all.

Then my so-called "peace" came to an end.